Stuff We're Looking Forward to Doing this Summer

The lovely summer weather is almost here and we bet you've got a list a mile long of all the things you wanted to do last summer and couldn't. For most people the time has finally come to start checking things off that list. If you're looking for a few more ideas to have some summer fun here's a few of out favorites.
Beach Time- The number one outdoor summer activity is beach fun. The crowds will be back in full force so you may have to walk a bit farther to find your own private patch of sand, but it'll be well worth it to bask in the sunshine.
Sports, Sports, Sports- Time to root for your favorite team! There are so many great chances to cheer out there. From kids Little League games to Touch Football teams in the park. You may even be lucky enough to live where big stadiums are filling back up. You might not be used to sitting for hours on those hard metal stands yet though. Be sure to take an Air Inflatable Seat Cushion with you. It fits right in your bag and is easy to whip out. Makes even the hardest bench easy to sit on.
Paddle Boarding- Sure it's a little tricky to stand up the first time, but then its lots of fun. Nothing is better than the feeling of floating on top of the water on a beautiful day. More advanced students attempt paddle board yoga, but a lot of balance is required for that skill.
Picnic- If you've been feeling trapped indoors for all your meals the perfect solution is to eat outside. Somehow food just tastes better when you're enjoying it on the grass or at the park.
Slip n' Slide- Maybe you're not ready to head to the water park with crowds of people so it's time to make your own slide. All you need is a strip of grass and a hose. Save this one for a really hot day though and you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Be an at Home Tourist- Getting out doesn't always mean leaving town. So if its been awhile since you've actually explored your own town now is the perfect time. If you've been taking for granted where you live then pretend you've got guests coming to town who have never been there before. You'll see your city in a whole new way.
Bonfire- Long summer nights are the perfect opportunity for a fire. A bonfire can add incredible ambiance to any party, especially on a warm Summer night. So, invite your friends, load up your cooler with beverages, bring lots of wood and a radio to play your favorite tunes.
You deserve this summer. Make the most of it by trying a few things on our list or just come up with your own. It's time to take advantage of all the season has to offer you!